The Truth About Bacteria and Germs While Travelling

Think your travel pillows are clean? Wondering why you often feel unwell after a trip? The answers might surprise you.

Unauthorized Travellers

Traveling exposes you to environments with high turnover, such as airplanes and hotels, where cleaning practices vary widely.

Reports by the Wall Street Journal and other media outlets revealed that these amenities may only get a wash every few days to once a month. This inconsistent cleaning schedule means travelers could be exposed to bacteria and germs that cause health issues.

Research has uncovered that even items wrapped in plastic may have been reused without proper cleaning.

  • Seat Trays

    Spilled food, along with bacteria and germs from used tissues or dirty hands, accumulate on plastic seat trays, making them the grungiest parts of the airplane. In fact, these trays contain x2,155 bacteria colony-forming units (CFU) per square inch, which is eight times more than the airplane’s toilet flush button.

  • Seat Belts

    Designed for safety, airplane seat belt buckles can accumulate as many as 230 CFU per square inch. The belt fabric collects dirt and germs, too, from dropped food and unwashed hands.

  • Pillows and Blankets

    Your nap could include exposure to cold viruses, herpes, lice and other contagions that are carried by previous passengers. The Wall Street Journal revealed that airlines cleaned their blankets every five to 30 days. And don't assume your blanket is new just because it's wrapped in plastic.

Surely hotel pillow covers are clean though?

Not necessarily. While sheets are pretty much always cleaned in between guests, that unfortunately doesn’t apply to pillow covers. A study carried out in five large hotel chains in the USA revealed that some employees don’t clean the pillow cases if they are not visibly dirty. Some admitted to just shaking them off and ironing them.

How does KOVRD work to protect from bacteria and germs when travelling?

We've taken a multi-angle approach to maintain your wellness when you travel.

Protective Shield

Made from thick, soft, and biodegradable material, KOVRD pillow covers act as a shield against the bacteria and germs found in travel pillows on planes, hotels, cruises, air bnbs etc.

After use, they can be disposed of responsibly, allowing you to leave the bacteria and germs behind and continue your travels with one less worry.

Each pack contains two KOVRs, so you can use a new KOVR for each new surface on your journey. We recommend bringing a few packs with you to ensure you're covered for your entire trip.


Our innovative microencapsulation technology slowly releases a blend of essential oils throughout the trip, continuously fighting off bacteria and germs, ensuring a protective barrier.

Natural Defenders

Infused with a powerful blend of essential oils, each KOVR is designed to combat bacteria and germs naturally.

  • Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are renowned for their antimicrobial properties
  • Lemon and Lavender oils offer a fresh, calming scent alongside their disinfecting capabilities.
  • Ylang Ylang and Chamomile oils provide soothing aromatherapy benefits
  • Peppermint and Bergamot oils adding to the blend’s ability to refresh and purify.
  • Patchouli oil, known for its grounding aroma, also contributes to the antimicrobial mix,

With every KOVR, you're not just protecting yourself from the unseen; you're enveloping yourself in a cocoon of natural, germ-fighting essences.

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